Are you constantly feeling frustrated, angry or being taken advantage of? You may be suffering from not setting boundaries and need some help with being able to move forward. When setting boundaries, we normally think about our relationships, time and wellbeing. Learning to set boundaries will require you to be bold, conscious and decisive. Implementing healthy boundaries at work & home can help you with reducing stress
avoid burnout, not hold onto the past, build your network and result in a brighter future.
Who is it for?
Setting healthy boundaries can take time & effort, although the rewards can be life changing. Are you ready to start your journey with Dr. Catherine and look to lead a happier life?
There are three main types of boundaries; physical, emotional and time. In these sessions with Dr Catherine, you will learn to recognise when you’ve reached your boundaries.
You will learn how it feels to reflect, react and review your experience. You may be happy if you can develop your boundaries and let others know when they are at risk of crossing them. The sessions will help you to:
During this 10 session course you will be able to develop new techniques, to create a new positive mindset.
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