The Welbeck Clinic
Dr. Catherine Baudino is a member of the National Council of Integrative Psychotherapists (NCIP) and is an ICF qualified coach. She has worked with many clients to help them overcome their personal issues; including Imposter Syndrome, creating a Positive Mindset and Setting Boundaries. Some mentees are directly referred to her from Psychiatrists, Cancer Research and Help for Heroes, where she has served for over a decade.
With Dr Catherine Coaching, you get the best of three areas thanks to her unique experience and history. Catherine has broad international expertise, in various industries and in many languages. Having started off in Academia, she moved on to the Commercial and Corporate world – breaking the glass ceiling in 1987 (at a salary of £75,000 a year – the equivalent of £220,000 today).
Catherine shares her wealth of experience and guides people to become better versions of themselves. She achieves this through wisdom, empathy and compassion. She is an Ambassador for the Allbright women’s club and a recommended Author by ‘We are the City’ network.
The Welbeck Clinic
Youngest in the UK at the time
Job in Trading
for The Money Programme
and joined Maxwell Empire
French Chamber of Commerce
Construction Industry Group
Director of NASDAQ Stock Market
solar energy parks
for the family
Coaching and Mentoring
BNI knightsbridge Chapter
Dr Catherine Coaching
My mission is to inspire, motivate and empower my clients to find and know themselves better, and begin a journey together to build a brighter future. Depending on your schedule, 1:1 sessions may be carried out face-to-face or via Zoom or Skype.
So, when is a goal, a goal? The coach will deliver you to the airport, but the ultimate goal is your holiday destination and then that is only the beginning of the journey. There are the places you visit, the people you meet, and the discoveries you make along the way.
The same holds true with my approach to clients. When a client comes to me with, say, a career crisis, I do not cease contact when s/he has finally settled into a new position. This is because a new job is only the beginning of the journey. In the words of one of my mentees, 'you are there for the journey'.The integration is as important as the destination.